Making your own lip balm can be very cost effective, but more importantly, you know what you are putting on and in your body.
Did you know it only takes 26 seconds for the chemicals you place on your skin to begin showing up in your bloodstream?
That's crazy cool.
And the most excellent reason to avoid harmful carcinogens like parabens and benzones.
This recipe is super easy.
Equals Parts:
Organic Beeswax
Shea Butter
Coconut Oil
And then add Essential Oil for scent and added health benefits
When I made it, I used
1/4 cup beeswax
1/4 cup shea butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
30 drops essential oil
It yielded approx 25 tubes of lip balm
I bought the tubes on Amazon in bulk.
Some recipes call for double boilers or putting a glass measuring cup in a pot of water.
Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
I tried that and after 20 minutes and my beeswax still solid, I put the mixture directly into a small sauce pan and put the dial right in between low and medium. So like a 3 out of 10.
It took 2 minutes and we were ready to pour.
Put your equal parts solids into the sauce pan.
Heat on medium low.
Stir constantly.
When it is melted all the way through, remove from heat. But keep in the saucepan so it stays melted.
Add essential oil.
Begin pouring lip balm immediately.
If you heat it too long, you will get a grainy lip balm. The key is to remove from heat as soon as it is thoroughly melted.
I used plastic pipettes to transfer from the saucepan to the lip balm container.
This worked well as long as I went fast.
If you take too long, it begins to cool and harden and then clogs the pipette.
If you go fast, the new liquid keeps the plastic hot and you don't have the clogging problem.
Fill it all the way to the top until it is nice round dome on the top.
It will sink down as it cools.
Wait 20 minutes before capping and/or using.
Print out cool labels or use stickers to decorate your tubes.
Best price for Organic beeswax
Organic 1 lb $13.44 from Amazon
Best price on Organic Coconut Oil
54 oz Organic Coconut Oil $16.99 from Vitacost
(if you are new to Vitacost, you can get $10 off a $30 purchase by using my
Referral Link )
Best Price Organic Shea Butter (this is an Add-On item, so you have to order it with other stuff to get this price)
1 lb $7.50 from Amazon
Chapstick Tubes
50 tubes for $12.00 on Amazon
100 pipettes for $6.00 on Amazon
I prefer DoTerra brand Essential Oils. I feel they are higher quality and I trust their sources.
You can get cheap oils from Vitacost and Amazon, as well as Butterfly Express. is another great source for bulk products.
Costco carries organic Coconut oil now too.