This is so unexpected and weird.
The Dollar Tree has changed their coupon policy and is now accepting Manufacturer's Coupons.
There are some rules:
No store specific coupons (Target coupons, Rite Aid coupons, etc)
No coupons for FREE items
No coupons where they have to fill in the price or no price is listed
If the coupon value is MORE than the cost of the item-- you will not get paid overage.
Only 2 home-printed coupons per transaction
Only 1 coupon can be used per item
And the coupons must be for the right product, size, quantities, etc.
Even with these limitations-- it's amazing that they have started accepting coupons at all.
This means you will get FREE stuff almost every week.
It's going to be awesome.
And if you don't like some of their products, you can always scoop up the free items and donate them to your kid's classroom or the local women's shelter. One of the things I love about couponing is the ability to be more generous.
The Frugal Find will be posting Dollar Tree deals and let you know of the freebies available.
I will post some too, but I will try to stick to healthy and reusable. She will be more comprehensive.
And as always, if you snag a deal somewhere, come back and let us know!