Welcome to My Green Table. We are two moms sharing our journey to a greener life- offering organic coupons, deals, recipes, and advice on how to live green and within your means.
And in my smoothie. I just grab a small handful and throw it into whatever smoothie recipe I am making. If it's a small handful you don't taste it and you get all the benefits of eating kale.
Browse around Tippr and see if there are any items you are interested in.
There is a code for an extra 15% off your order
Type in "summer15" at checkout.
There are a few green items, like Manzili African Organic Bodycare.
Or a year of Gluten free recipes and shopping lists.
A bamboo body shaping under suit.
Bamboo and Vinegar Detox patches
Topsy Turvy Vegetable Planter
Magic Veggie Twister
Earthbound Farms has a printable coupon for $1.00 off 2 Organic Mangoes.
I love produce coupons.
And I love knowing my fruit hasn't been drenched in pesticide.
The REACH toothbrush coupons should allow you to get FREE toothbrushes. Put them in your food storage or save them to send to the next Natural Disaster Relief. The Dollar Tree will accept coupons, so if they carry REACH, they will be free there. You can most likely find them on sale at Safeway or CVS for around a dollar as well. I always list the Hormel lunch meat coupon because their Natural Selections is one of the only brands of lunch meat that is nitrite/nitrate free.
It should also be noted that I get these coupons from an Affiliate. If you print them out, I get compensation. I have yet to see any of this so called compensation, but for the sake of honesty, I am letting you know.
Most Thrift Stores have days where they run specials.
My local Thrift Store has $5 days. They give you a bag and you can fill it with as many articles of clothing as you can fit. The bag is just $5.
Your Thrift Store might have something similar.
Or perhaps they have a day when certain tags are only $0.99?
When I shop on these days I love to look for items for Halloween costumes and dress ups.
The kids love knowing they can give whatever they want.
Several years ago I let my girls try out gymnastics and ballet.
I was shocked to see the prices of leotards and tutus. As they were only attending on a trial basis, I didn't want to invest that kind of money on their uniforms. I turned to Ebay and found lower prices-- but still surprisingly high prices. So I ended up getting them at the Thrift Store.
When the girls outgrew the leotards I remembered the prices they were going for on Ebay.
I listed them on Ebay and doubled my money.
Now whenever I go to $5 Bag day at the Thrift Store I look for leotards.
And I list them on Ebay.
Last month I bought all 3 of my children clothes, plus some dress up clothes for $5.
I also put 3 leotards in the bag.
Those auctions just ended and I made $16.49
Which means all those clothes were FREE plus a profit of $11.49!!!!
So next time you are shopping at the Thrift Store keep an eye out for clean, tear free Leos to help offset your costs.
Other things that resell well?
Self Help books, popular hardbacks, designer shoes, baby clothes.
I am sure you can do some research and find other things that resell well too.
The amazing
healing properties in Essential Oils give you remarkable non- pharmalogical
answers to caring for your family in your own home with natural choices. They are beautiful plant extracts that offer
healing for concerns from the common cold, flu, allergies, toothache, muscle
pain, control with diabetes and even cancer.
Most drugs
that are used by prescription or over the counter have their root base in
plants, but have then been altered and duplicated synthetically so that the
body can’t use them for it’s best good. In fact they can in almost every case
harm the body.
In this class you will
learn about true plant based healing.
Join me on Thursday, June 27 @ 7:00 for a free information night at my
home (2379 Sheffield Drive) to learn more and appreciate the wonderful choices
essential oils give you. Learn where they come from, what is their chemical
makeup and why do they work as well, in most cases better and less expensive
than drugs and over the counter meds. If
you are able to attend the class, just reply to this e-mail.
For those of you who have attended my
classes before – Share this with others and if you bring a friend you both will
receive a free oil or usage book!
There is always something new to learn!
Additional classes
will be held July 9th and August 7th.
Between now and June 30, 2013, The Natural Gardening Company is offering 20% of plants and seedlings. Sadly, the offer excludes strawberry crowns or onion starts (BOO!), but there is still much from which to choose under their Certified Organic Plants section, including cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, zucchini, and a variety of herbs.
We found The Natural Gardening Company on several online lists of seed companies not owned or connected to Monsanto. If this status has change, let us know!