Winter is over. You may start to see the price on winter greens going up.
And you should also start seeing the prices on these items listed below falling down.
I've put the price next to them that is the lowest I've seen and purchased myself.
These are all ORGANIC prices. If you see these at this price STOCK UP, or at least plan your menu around them. Most of them will freeze well.
If you've got a great buy price for the ones I missing, please comment below so I can fill it in.
- Artichokes
- Asparagus $0.99 a bundle
- Arugula
- Avocados $0.50 each
- Basil $1.29 a bunch
- Beets $0.65 each
- Blueberries $2.99 8 oz
- Cabbage $0.99 a head
- Chard
- Cherries
- Fava beans
- Fennel
- Grapefruit $0.99
- Green Beans
- Green Onions
- Kale
- Lemons $0.33 each
- Morels
- Nectarines
- Passion Fruit
- Radishes
- Scallions
- Strawberries $2.00 a lb
- Tangerines $0.99 a lb
In addition to produce, watch for these following items to also be on sale in MAY, corresponding with the various holidays:
Memorial Day: BBQ Sauce, Condiments, Charcoal, Salad Dressing, Potato Chips, Dips, Grilling Meats, Hot Dogs, Hamburger Meat, Marinade, Salad Greens, hot dog and hamburger buns, soda pop, popcicles.
Prepping for Summer: Plates, Utensils, Insect Repellant, Sunscreen, patio furniture, gardening supplies, plants, swimsuits.
Cinco De Mayo: Salsa, tortillas, tortilla chips, canned beans, spices.