Friday, March 16, 2012

High Value $2 off Seeds of Change Coupon with the Catalog

You can order a copy of the paper catalog or download the catalog instantly.
At the end of the catalog (in both formats) is a coupon for $2 off Seeds of Change.

Love it!

Download the Catalog HERE and Print your Coupon

If you are starting your garden from seed this year, I would start your seeds inside within the next 3 weeks. I am going to start next week. I don't have a backyard so I am just doing some small pots on my porch-- that sits in the shade. Should be a fun experiment.

I had no idea they also sell food-- like organic chocolate. Guess I have some homework to do.

Thank you Organic Coupons and Deals

(I am actually having a hard printing the coupon. It is coming up 1 inch big! Let me know if you have any better luck)

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