Mason jars, left over pasta sauce jars, baby food jars, all are excellent blank canvases for gift giving.
The internet is full of ideas. I've just posted links to a few here.
I know for me personally, I like a gift that has both meaning and function. So a craft that performs a duty is ideal. Do you have a glass jar craft you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments section below!

Mini Terrariums
Crafting a Green World has a List of 10 Crafts for Jars. My favorite?
The terrariums. See the See the List HERE
Entirely Smitten has a list of Glass Jar Crafts, like filling it with love notes or favorite memories/ milestones.
See her list HERE
My favorite? The little sprigs poking out of the ribbon.
Saved By Love Creations has an amazing list of 50 Mason Jar Crafts
A few of her ideas:

Decoupage Votives

Twine or yarn wrapped vases

Silhouette Mason Jars
These are such fun ideas! I have time to do these? Hmmmm.