This is the lowest price I've seen on these and I am definitely going to scoop them up and stick them in my freezer for last minute summer BBQ's.
Open Nature is a Safeway brand line that makes me SOOOO happy. They are not organic, but they have extremely high standards and by not going after the organic label they can keep the prices to a reasonable level.
Here is a list of all the ingredients banned from Open Nature Products. It's a thing of beauty.
Open Nature Prohibited Ingredients List
In regards to the hot dogs, they are MSG free, so nitrites/nitrates, no artificial colors or flavors, no benzoates, no antibiotics, and completely uncured.
It's basically the best hot dog I have found in this price range.
If you want to pay double that, you can get a tasty uncured dog from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.
Other than that, you'd need to make the hot dog yourself. And while I am dabbling in making my own cleaners, hot dogs are just a little bit above my skill level at the moment.
Kristi and I discovered something else too. We both live in Livermore, but she shops at the Safeway by her house and I shop at the one by mine. My Safeway carries the uncured hot dogs, her's does not. If you can't find them at your store make sure you tell them! If they realize people are interested, they will start carrying them.
From their website:
The OPEN NATURE™ promise:

We believe ingredients should come from nature.

We believe food should be made only with ingredients we are proud to share.

We believe food should be simply prepared, the way you'd make it at home.

We believe food should be made with a commitment to quality.
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