Monday, January 16, 2012

The Dirty List- Which produce you should buy organic based on pesticide residue

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It’s hard to go Organic—we know it’s good for us, but it’s just so expensive! Sometimes our budget only allows for 1 or 2 organic items a week, so how do we choose what to buy?  There are a lot of lists floating around and here is a list I liked because it gave actual statistics with the foods. To read the article in it’s entirety go here:

It lists the top 10 dirtiest foods –thus making them the top most important to buy organic.

Not only do I enjoy knowing that I am exposing myself to less chemicals from the pesticides and fertilizers, but I also like to think about all the fossil fuel I am conserving by them not producing that pesticide and fertilizer—and then think of all the farm workers you are saving because THEY are not being exposed while applying these nasty products. So really- we are eating better food, conserving energy, AND saving people’s lives. Wahoo! I’ll take a bite of that apple!

1.               Pears – 94.4% of pears sampled were found to contain pesticides.

2.               Peaches – 93.7% of peaches sampled were found to contain pesticides.

3.               Apples – 91% of apples sampled were found to contain pesticides.

4.               Cherries – 91% of cherries sampled were found to contain pesticides.

5.               Strawberries – 90% of strawberries sampled were found to contain pesticides.

6.               Imported Grapes – 86% of imported grapes (i.e. Chile) sampled were found to contain pesticides.

7.               Spinach – 83.4% of spinach sampled were found to contain pesticides.

8.               Potatoes – 79.3% of potatoes sampled were found to contain pesticides.

9.               Bell Peppers – 68% of bell peppers sampled were found to contain pesticides.

10.           Red Raspberries – 59% of red raspberries sampled were found to contain pesticides

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The general rule is the thinner the skin the more it has absorbed. If you are going to eat the skin- it should be organic. Yes- you could peel it—but then you are losing a good portion of the nutrients from the fruit. Better to just go organic.

Here is the list of the Top 10 LEAST contaminated produce. Notice that most of these are food where you remove the skin before consuming. If you have to choose between them these are the ones you can buy non-organic.

·                        Asparagus

·                        Avocados

·                        Bananas

·                        Broccoli

·                        Cauliflower

·                        Corn (However, almost all corn is genetically modified)

·                        Kiwi

·                        Mangoes

·                        Onions

·                        Papaya

·                        Pineapples

·                        Sweet Peas

The broccoli and cauliflower surprise me, they must have some pretty tough skin.

If this is a subject that interests you, here is another interesting article:

Photos of Veggies from


  1. How sad that pears are at the top of the list. That's the most popular fruit in our house, but they don't sell organic pears at our stores.

  2. Perhaps it's time to plant a tree in your backyard? One you could dig up and take with you when you move. Do you have farmer's markets in the summer? At the very least you could buy organic during the summer and reduce your exposure. Or you can buy organic in the summer and jar your own for the winter. Not sure how complicated that is.
