One of the gems of the Safeway Just 4 U program is the FREE products they sneak into your Personalized Price lists. They don't announce it with fanfaire and neon lights, they just sneak it into the middle of your list and see if you catch it.
Last week I saw I had both a Coke Zero and a Larabar for free. And since they are food items-- you don't even have to pay taxes. Wahoo! I love when they do this because it allows me to try something I would never have spent money on. And who knows, maybe I'll find my new favorite.
I found the Larabars near the Vitamins. I thought they would be in the health food section, but it was near the protein bars and atkins diet bars.
The label read Larabar The Original Fruit and Nut Food Bar
Fruit and Nuts? What? There has got to be some chocolate somewhere.
Aw yes. Cookie Dough. That will work.
The next day I found myself itching for a snack between meals and thought it would be a perfect time to try my new product. I ripped open the wrapping. I admit, I was a little surprised by it's appearance. It looked alot like fruit and nuts.
I took a bite.
Chocolate. Check. Cookie Dough. Check.
Fruit and Nuts? Also Check.
My mouth was so full of competing flavors I didn't even know what to think. Who puts fruit in a chocolate chip cookie? Despite the fact that I really had no idea if I was intrigued or repulsed I took another bite. The texture was good. Not grainy or powdery like some of the other health bars. It was smooth and chewy with the nuts and chips providing a nice contrast. However- I have to say the mash up of a fruit and nut bar with a chocolate cookie dough bar is strange and a little alarming. It's like Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. A small part of you is surprised and delighted and hopes for the best. But deep down, you know it's plain wrong.
Ana - who is, as you know, a vegan - and I read a few of your posts; Ana, as well as myself, was impressed by your facts, writing and presentation.
ReplyDeleteGreat beginning, Melinda. Keep up the exemplary work!
I have tried a few Larabars (which can easily be made at home if you have a good blender)and there are some flavors that are better than others. It's tough to produce a really great product with only three ingredients!