Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Muir Glen Coupon

Muir Glen is actually owned by Campbell's. I like supporting Muir Glen because I think it sends a message to Campbell's that we want more organic foods and we want them in BPA free cans.  Pretty much every can you buy has BPA in it. BPA lines the can to keep the acid from the food from eating away at the can. While it might protect the can-- trace amounts of BPA are leeching into your food. BPA has been shown to cause cancer in tests rats. In humans it has been linked to cardivascular problems, diabetes, and is catagorized as an endocrine- disruptor.

 Leeching is even more prevalent in the more acidic foods -- like tomatoes. I prefer to buy my tomatoe products in glass jars, but if I have to buy them in cans-- I buy Muir Glen. Muir Glen is BPA free.

People who consumed one can of soup a day had 1200% more BPA in their system than people who ate fresh soup. It's important to note that this would happen with regular canned food and organic canned food just the same. The can is poisoning the food, regardless of the quality of the food inside.

Here is the study in more detail for those who are interested:

My hope is that if we support Muir Glen, Campbell's will see it as profitable to go BPA free and then they will expand the line to include all of their products.

Coupons.com currently has a coupon available for $0.75 off One Muir Glen Item. You should be able to print out two.


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