I got my weekly email from Safeway this morning and my Just 4 U has a free Larabar coupon inside. Sweet. I love when they do this because it gives me a chance to try a product I normally would not buy. Who knows-- maybe it's my new favorite.
If you haven't already, sign up for the Just 4 U program at Safeway.com. You'll get a FREE dozen eggs just for signing up. Then each week you can go through their coupon list and load the coupons directly onto your Safeway Rewards card. They have 2 sections for coupons-- the first is manufacturer's coupons. These can not be combined with paper coupons. The second section is personalized deals just for you. I have found some true gems in there and when combined with paper coupons, I've been able to get All Natural Peanut Butter for .37 and Barbara's cereal for under $1.50, for example. The 3rd section is a list of all the items on sale at your local Safeway. It's always good to check these prices, you might have a coupon to match up with something that turns into quite a bargain.
Many people feel Safeway is very expensive. And it's true-- if -- you don't shop the sales and use your coupons. If you shop the opportunities, you will find you spend more and more time at Safeway. Unless you live near a Winco and then I am just jealous. I purchase about 70% of my groceries at Safeway. I go to Raleys / Nob Hill about 20% of the time when they have items I really want on sale or have enticing coupons (they issue new online coupons every Wednesday). The last 10% of my grocery shopping is spread out between The Grocery Outlet, Target, and Lucky. I only go to those stores when they have an advertised special I simply can't pass up.
So first step:
Sign up for Just 4 U
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