Saturday, January 21, 2012

Parabens: What are they? Where are they? Why should I care?

You may have seen Parabens in the news lately and no doubt you will be seeing them again. Parabens are currently under investigation as one of the causes of breast cancer, as well as other types of cancer.

Parabens are chemical preservatives added to products to serve 2 purposes.

1-      They are an anti-microbial, so they keep your product from spoiling.

2-      They keep the product from separating, so the ingredients stay uniform for the duration of the shelf life.

The 4 common types of Parabens are Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, and Butylparaben.

They are found in many common personal care items like lotion, soap, deodorant, cosmetics, chap stick, shampoo, sun block, etc etc. On a rare occasion they are found in food items, but for the most part, they are in nonfood items.

Parabens are classified as Endocrine Disruptors. And they are absorbed into the largest organ of the body—your skin. Once inside your body, Parabens have a habit of mimicking estrogen. Estrogen promotes tissue growth and is a known instigator of breast cancer. In several different breast cancer studies Parabens repeatedly showed up in the cancer cells of breast cancer patients at a near 100% rate. They have yet to determine if the Parabens caused the cancer or why the Parabens would be found within the cancer cells. Studies also indicate that cancer cells with Parabens are harder to kill with cancer treatments, leading to extended exposure to radiation, and longer recovery times. Parabens are also being investigated for their effect on the male reproductive system, thyroid function, ovaries, and the growth and development of fetuses and children.

While we don’t know for sure just how bad they are—I’ve chosen to err on the side of “better safe than sorry.”

The good news is Parabens are easy to avoid! They are many options out there that do not contain Parabens—all it requires is that you take a quick look at the ingredients list on your products before you buy them.

I don’t suggest going through your bathroom cabinets and tossing out everything that has a Paraben. I wouldn’t be able to afford to replace all those items at once.  As those items are used up, however, I am choosing to purchase Paraben free. So far my biggest loss has been Cetaphil soap. I love that product because it is so mild and doesn’t cause any reactions for my sensitive skin prone family. I am still researching which sun block to buy. (That is one hot topic in itself that I’ll tackle another day). Chapsticks seem to be about 50/50. Banana Boat was a No. Nivea lip balm was a Yes.

 My favorite article on this subject is Brenda's Blog A Guide To Surviving Breast Cancer
She lists all the studies with links and explains the dangers in an easy way to understand.

   This next article is fantastic because she clearly makes the case against Parabens, but I don't see any reference materials, so just note that she is stating the theories about Parabens as facts.

Dangers of Parabens by Sabrina Fox

      Any interesting look at Parabens in Deodorant by Kathleen Doheny

 Basic information about Parabens by


  1. I tried California Babies brand for sunscreen last summer and really liked it for Emma. It's thick, awesome, and non-chemical. It is a bit expensive.

    As for chapstick, I am addicted to Burt's Bees peppermint lip balm. So yummy and natural.

  2. I'll definitely be posting the sun screen deals as I see them. It's expensive and if you follow the directions, you go through it so quickly! A full shot glass each application. My goal is to find the all natural but still pay the price I would for the regular types.
