If you didn't print that $2/1 Yes To Carrots coupon you still can.
In the travel size section at Target you can get a Yes to Carrots Travel Size Body Butter
for $1.99.
With the coupon, this item will be 100% FREE.

If the cashier freaks because the coupon is for $2 and the item is only $1.99 just tell them to manually adjust it down to $1.99. Technically their policy is to give you that 1 penny, but the cashier's rarely know the policies and they start to panic when the coupon is more than the product. When I tell them to adjust it to the value of the item they calm down and give it to me free. It also helps if you are buying other stuff at the same time so you don't have a zero balance or negative balance - as those tend to freak out cashiers as well. So pick up your Alexia frozen potatoes at the same time and you'll be good to go.
Print Your Coupon Here
If you shop at Target regularly, I suggest following TotallyTarget.com
She only does Target deals and it is very thorough and up to date.
**UPDATE** I just got back from Target. In my store the Alexia potatoes were $3.59, not $3.09. (thank you California I love you and your higher than every where else prices) so with coupons I paid $1.24 each. And we didn't have the body butter in our travel section. Instead we had the make up remover wipes for $2.99. I bought a pack, making them only $0.99, but still not the deal I was hoping for. Raley's and Nob Hill will have Yes To Carrots on sale this week too. So if you can't find the free body butter, you can hold on to your coupon and try somewhere else.
All in all I paid $10.20 for $23.18 worth of stuff at Target using coupons and sales.
I'll have to give it a try!