Typically CVS and Safeway win my consumer dollars, but this week they couldn't entice me into their stores.
And Nob Hill won.

My total came out to $130.00
Store Sales saved me $38.00
Raley's Ecoupons $22.00
Manu. Coupons $12.00
Total Savings: $72.00
Total OOP: $58.00
That is a savings of 56%
My goal for grocery store shopping is to hit the 50% mark, so this was a success in my book.
It included many items from the Natural Food aisle and organic veggies.
In addition, I can submit my receipt and get a $14 rebate for some of my purchases through a deal in last Sunday's paper, reducing my OOP even more.
By only spending $58 at Nob Hill, I didn't feel so bad heading on over to Trader Joe's and paying $6.19 for a gallon of Organic Milk. I bought a 2 lb bag of organic apples for $2.49. And Organic salad mixes for $1.99 each. I also bought a loaf of Sprouted Bread since that seems to be all the rage. It was $2.99.
So that was an additional $16.

So $58 at Nob Hill and $16 at Trader Joe's. Only $74. That allows me the wiggle room to then snag the deals on line when I see things on sale or clearance, like the Organic Pancake Mix earlier in the week.
How did you do this week?
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